
How to remove featured image in homepage of Hueman theme?

In the content-featured.php, remove the following lines (from 5th line)

<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ): ?>
<?php the_post_thumbnail('thumb-large'); // only difference to content.php ?>
<?php elseif ( ot_get_option('placeholder') != 'off' ): ?>
<img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/img/thumb-medium.png" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>

This will remove the big fat featured image in homepage of list of posts in hueman WordPress theme.

Customizr WordPress Theme Mobile Checkpoint Setting To 767PX

The free WordPress theme Customizr converts the top menu into mobile menu (burger menu system) at the width of 979px.

We have created a child theme for Customizr that uses a skin and sets mobile checkpoint to 767px. Because sometimes, the number of menus are very less and in iPad like tablets, unnecessary, the mobile icon gets displayed. So, to avoid that we have created a child with for it.

Please download here.

VRYN-Photolist , A Free WordPress Theme for Photo display

We have now with another excellent WordPress theme called “VRYN-Photolist”  .  This theme is basically a child theme of “Landscape WordPress Theme” .

However, we have added 3 additional page templates to display the photos in the way you want.  Additionally, the photos are nicely animated when you scroll down to see them.

Hence, this is not just “yet another WordPress theme” for photographers, But with great features.

Please have a look at these screenshots.  For your convenience, we have made the screenshots here in scrollable format.  Below the screenshots, you can see the demo and downloads links.


Page Template 1

Page Template For VRYN-Photolist

Page Template 2

Page Template For VRYN-Photolist

Page Template 3

Page Template For VRYN-Photolist



VRYN-Notes , A Free WordPress Theme For FAQs

If you are having lots of “Frequently asked questions” to display, this free theme can help you display them.  The theme uses Accordion to display posts.

VRYN-Notes is simple and bright colored and can be quickly used to display FAQs.  Please note that this is can be exclusively used for FAQs purpose only.





VRYN-Photograhy , A Free WordPress Theme For Photographers

Today we are releasing yet another free WordPress theme.  This theme is created for photographers.  If you have lots of photos to show and expose them to the world, Photography WordPress theme can help you a lot.

The theme features in

  • Bootstrap base
  • Responsive
  • Custom homepage




Twenty Fourteen WordPress Theme Demo with Sample Data and Download

We heard you and here we would like to provide you the setup data for Twenty Fourteen WordPress Theme.

You can get this same demo setup in your localhost or even in your live site.  You can download the following xml file and another file called “wie”.  The WIE file is generated from “Widget Importer & Exporter” plugin.  To get the same look and feel of widgets, we have given you option to import widgets too.

The download,

How to setup like the Twenty Fourteen Theme Demo,

  1. Assuming there is already a WordPress install, First activate the (make active) the Twenty Fourteen Theme
  2. Go to Tools -> Importer
  3. Import the XML file that you have downloaded from our site.
  4. Install a plugin “Widget Importer & Exporter” and activate it.  It is used to import widgets data similar to original demo.
  5. Go to Tools -> Widget Importer & Exporter
  6. Click on “Select file” or similar button there.  Select the file that has the “wie” extension. (
  7. Now Go to Menu section.
  8. Assign menus to Secondary menu in left sidebar and Top primary menu.
  9. You can ignore previous step, if you dont want to setup menu.
  10. That is all.  The setup is done  and you can see your site having similar setup like our demo setup.

If you think we have helped you in some ways, please visit and buy any of the premium works.

Do you need any fixed or features added in “Sabai Directory” Plugin?

You all know we are very special in hacking, tweaking, tuning WordPress plugins.  Recently we worked on “Sabai Directory” Premium WordPress plugin.  This plugin is one of the most advanced and awesome plugin available nowadays (May 2014).  If you have not heard of Sabai Directory Plugin please check

If you need any kind of hacks or features need to be done, Please contact us.

What we can do with SabaiDirectory

  • Send notification mails in HTML format
  • Add custom fields.
  • Add custom fields in notification emails.
  • In a single search box, you can search name and address same time.